ABA Therapy

What is it and how do we start?

What is ABA?

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a scientific and evidence-based approach used to understand and improve behavior. It involves systematically analyzing behavior in order to determine the environmental factors that influence it, and then implementing interventions to bring about positive change. ABA is commonly used to teach new skills, improve communication, reduce challenging behaviors, and enhance independence. It is often utilized in individuals with autism spectrum disorder, but it can also be beneficial for people with various developmental disabilities or behavioral difficulties. ABA programs are tailored to each individual's unique needs and are implemented consistently over time to facilitate meaningful and lasting improvements in behavior and overall quality of life.

How to start

Currently Shoreline Center is only accepting patients with Full Medicaid. If your child has full medicaid, then please contact us ASAP to get started on our interview process. This includes both a written and verbal interview format and is very thorough to best understand your child’s needs. This will give us the most accurate picture of what your child’s ABA needs are, and thus decide how intensive their schedule will be!

Our Qualifications

Our staff consists of RBTs and a BCBA
In ABA therapy, RBTs (Registered Behavior Technicians) and BCBAs (Board Certified Behavior Analysts) play integral roles in providing Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy to individuals with autism and other developmental disorders.
RBTs are trained paraprofessionals who implement ABA programs under the supervision of BCBAs. They work directly with clients, reinforcing positive behaviors and using specific ABA techniques to address challenging behaviors. RBTs also collect data on the client's progress, which is crucial for developing and modifying treatment plans.
On the other hand, BCBAs are highly qualified professionals with advanced education and training in behavior analysis. They are responsible for designing, implementing, and supervising ABA programs. BCBAs conduct assessments, develop behavior intervention plans, and oversee the work of RBTs to ensure that the therapy is effective and tailored to the individual's needs.


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